"When I was five years old, my older brother Claus showed me some strange tracks in the freshly fallen snow in our garden. I followed the tracks whilst he encouraged me to speculate about which animal they could belong to. Could they have been made by a rabbit on the run? Or by a squirrel searching for the last walnuts in that cold winter? Or perhaps they came from a dangerous and hungry fox? I was very excited. At the end of the trail stood a wooden stick, and my brother laughed at me. He himself had made the tracks in the snow with that stick to fool me. I can still remember how disappointed he was, that I was not angry at his enactment. In fact, I was thrilled. I was fascinated that so many possible stories could be written into the impermanent whiteness."
I was born and grew up in a small town in West-Germany, in a large workingclass family. After finishing school I completed my Civilian Service in a Child & Youth Psychiatric hospital, and later I studied Applied Theatre Sciences.
I have worked for many years as a Director in various mediums ranging from underground theatre to musical revue, fictional films to documentaries, filming classical concerts, music videos and commercials. I write theatre plays, film scripts, and collage texts in the same way that I create montages of Images, sometimes chronologically, sometimes composed emotionally.
I always look for the most exciting aesthetic and narrative specific to each subject. I love to lay tracks and traces; to find the detail in the special moments and the pictures out of which stories are told. I do this with passion".